About Us


Sometimes we need to be reminded of who we are.  Who we want to be.  We need encouragement.  We need permission. We need a touchstone. A simple word, or phrase, to keep us grounded, motivated, in touch. Choose one every day or let it choose you.  Put it on close to your skin, privately for an internal conversation. Let it guide and nurture you. 

We become what we believe.  Believe good things.

This project started as a desire to connect with others and myself with love. I have been wearing my "words" for over a year now all my other underwear has fallen by the wayside.  I find it a simple way to direct my day, bolster my thoughts and keep me on track.

I am making these underwear for anyone who needs to be reminded that they are strong, resilient, precious, capable, brave, loved.  You get the picture.  Eventually, I would like everyone to own a pair because who doesn’t need a good word or phrase in their corner.

Buy a pair, wear them see how you feel no one has to know just you.

I've started this endeavor with a handful of words and know that more will be revealed as time goes on.  I hope that you enjoy wearing these underwear as much as I have enjoyed bringing them to life.

Warmest wishes, 


Handmade in the Philippines in small batches these underwear are a soft and comforting eco-friendly blend of 67% bamboo, 28% organic cotton and 5% spandex.  Each word has been added here in Central NY with care and intention.